Scrolling battle text wow
Scrolling battle text wow

We strongly recommend you toget one such addon. Boss Mods: Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigsīoss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give youlive advice on how to handle some mechanics. We strongly recommend that you get this addon. It comes with almost everything you need to perform properly:action bars, cooldown timers, proc display, etc. This addon is a complete replacement of the defaultUser Interface. Here, at Icy Veins, we use ElvUIfor all our characters. There are also battle text addons andaddons specifically made to track Anticipation, which are availableon.

scrolling battle text wow

Both ElvUI and Weak Auras provideways of tracking these stacks. When using Anticipation as your Tier 6 talent (something that youshould be doing most of the time), you need something more than the defaultUser Interface to track your stacks. This is useful for switching targets if you have Stop Auto Attackchecked in the Interface > Combat menu (it is unchecked by default).If you do not have enough Energy to startcasting Mutilate, you will at least start auto-attacking. Specific Macros for Assassination Rogues 1.2.1. If you are pressing Control, itcasts Kick at your focus, instead. Also, if you have no mouseover targetand no focus, then it casts Tricks of the Trade on your target's target (who ismost likely going to be the tank if you are targeting the boss). This macro combines the two macros from above. /cast help] help] help] Tricks of the Trade.This can be useful ifyou prefer this over the mouseover option. This macro will cast Tricks of the Trade at your focus. This macro will cast Tricks of the Trade on your mouse over target.

Scrolling battle text wow